The convenience of salt chlorination with the power of ozone destroys up to 99.99% of microorganisms in your pool. The Pool Pilot units work with the Ozone Generator to give you the best of both worlds.
Salt Chlorine Generator
- Patented bypass manifold for easy installation
- Patented temperature compensation
- Maintains chlorine residual in the pool, naturally
- Continuous super chlorination
Ozone Generator
- Extremely efficient sanitizer
- Advanced oxidation process
- Corona discharge generates 4-5 times higher ozone concentration
than UV lamps
- Uses 70-90% less electricity than UV lamps
Combined into the CoPilot
- Superior sanitization and water clarity
- Reduction of chlorine usage extends cell life
- Reliable and energy efficient
- Kills bacteria, viruses, molds, fungus and spores
- Environmentally friendly