Alternative Pool Sanitizers
Want to sanitize your pool without the use of excess
chemicals? You can, with Pool
Supply Unlimited’s alternative pool sanitizers! Not only do we carry the best
supplies and
supplies to keep your pool
looking and running great, but more natural and environmentally friendly alternatives to chemicals and
closing chemical solutions for safe and
reliable water sanitation!
Alternative Pool Sanitizer Options
Please note, while all of the alternative pool sanitizer options
below will significantly reduce the amount of chemicals you use in your pool,
they do not completely mitigate the need for pool chemicals.
UV Sanitizers
sanitizers use the power of
ultraviolet light to kill germs and unwanted microorganisms in your pool. UV
sanitizers are safe for swimmers and are one of the best low-maintenance
alternative pool sanitizer options available for pool owners today. Keep in
mind that the UV light will need to be replaced regularly, and the piping
should be sanitized with chemical cleaners to keep the system running its best.
Ozone Generators
Ozone generators destroy organisms, viruses, pool contaminants and
break down chloramines via oxidation. Ozone generators are also
200 times
stronger than using chlorine alone! For
complete assurance of sanitization, you’ll want to also add a pool chemical
like chlorine or bromine.
Hybrid Sanitization Systems
Pool Supply Unlimited also carries innovative UV/Ozone and
Salt/Ozone hybrid systems that bring together some of the most effective
alternative pool sanitizers into one safe, effective, and powerful sanitization
Ionizers (Mineral Sanitizers)
Also known as a mineral sanitizer, an Ionizer is an alternative
pool chemical option that works by adding small amounts of ionic copper or
silver to the water to remove bacteria and algae from the water. There are two
main types of Ionizers, passive and active. Passive Ionizers require no
electricity, slowly releasing ions and ionizing through eroded substrates,
offering a low-maintenance alternative pool sanitizer solution.
Active Ionizers use an electric current to ionize the copper or silver
and are installed inline with your pool’s filtration system. Active Ionizers
quickly release ions and offer an efficient alternative pool sanitizer
solution. With an Ionizer, swimmers will enjoy less eye and skin irritations,
and you'll enjoy an easier pool maintenance routine with fewer pH adjustments
or shock treatments needed.
Shop Pool Supply Unlimited today for the alternative pool
sanitizer solutions you need for a cleaner, safer, and more environmentally
friendly swimming experience your family and friends will benefit from all
summer long!