PH is most important for maintaining crystal clear swimming pool water. High pH will cause eye and skin irritation, waterline tile scale deposits and unhappy pool ownership. Low pH will cause the same eye and skin irritation and, in addition, etch the swimming pool plaster, fiberglass, vinyl liner, causing an angry and unhappy pool owner.
PH Decraser, otherwise known as dry acid, will lower your pH to levels most efficient for crystal clear water.
pH is a scale of measurement that was invented in the early 1900s for checking the acidity of water when brewing beer. pH is measured on a scale from 0-14 and can be tested by a number of
test kits. pH is neutral at a measurement of 7.0. Below 7.0, the water is acidic and above the water is alkaline (basic). The recommended pH for pools is 7.5 which matches the pH of the human eye.
High pH Pool Problems
- Scaling Water
- white film/crusty deposits
- plugged filters
- reduced circulation
- cloudy pool
- chlorine inefficiency
- skin/eye irritation
High pH Solution=>ph Decreaser