SeaKlear Stain Prevention & Remover is a top of the line treatment that removes and prevents metal stains and scale buildup.
Professional Strength effectively removes stains from iron, copper and other metals. Prevents further stains from occurring. Professional strength Stain Prevention & Remover is used for used for metallic stain removal and prevention and hard water scalingUse when starting up a plaster pool to control plaster dust and source water surface discoloration. Most effective metal stain prevention and removal product available for prevention and removal of stains and scale on vinyl, fiberglass and plaster pools
Quick Facts- Effective for metallic stain removal and prevention
- Prevents hard water scaling
- Best performance on the market
- Ideal for vinyl, fiberglass, and plaster pools
- Made in the United States
Directions for Use
For initial pool filling
- Adjust the pH between 7.2 and 7.6.
- For best results, use SeaKlear Stain Prevention & Remover in the evening with the pool pump and filter operating overnight
- Add 16 oz. per 10,000 gallons of water by premixing into a plastic pail of water first.
- Pour the solution into the deep end of the pool. (Cloudiness may develop, but don’t worry. That’s normal, and means it’s working. It’ll fade away.)
For weekly care
- Add 6-8 oz. per 10,000 gallons of water.
- Follow up with SeaKlear Natural Clarifier or SeaKlear Mighty Pods Cloudy Pool Cure.