Spazazz Rx Therapy Stress Therapy Crystals - De-Stress
Spazazz Rx Therapy is a line of products designed entirely around soaking away aches and pains, while relaxing and soaking in vitamins. Reduce tension, relax your muscles, grab a towel, and get soaking! Transform your hot tub or bath into a calming, spa like atmosphere in the comfort of your own home.
Feeling stressed? Relax and clear your mind and body as you soak in the stress relieving blend of all natural aromatherapy. Nothing clears the mind and body better than a nice relaxing evening soaking the stress away! Just add jets and rest easy!
- 19 ounces / 562 grams
- All natural ingredients
- Spa safe & oil free
- Anti-inflammatory
- Stress reliever
Spazazz Rx Therapy aromatherapy crystals are an affordable indulgence that will enhance your hot tub experience every time you get in. The moisturizing botanicals increase skin hydration and pampers your skin while the long lasting aroma's soothe your senses. Specially formulated for use in spas, hot tubs and bathtubs. They won't affect your hot tubs water in any adverse way or leave oily residue behind.