7 Full, 1 Partial Style Top Manifold Grids for Pentair, Hayward, Jandy, and many more filters. For a list of common pool filters that use this type of grid see below.
Fiber Clear: The "Green" Alternative to Diatomaceous EarthWhen it comes to keeping the “green” out of your pool, many people, including pool professionals, are turning to a “green” product... cellulose fiber. Learn more about this biodegradable, nontoxic and renewable product that is quickly becoming the go-to product for superior filtration and water clarity.
How To Choose The Right Size Pool FilterLike shopping for most major pool equipment, it can be hard to understand the correct way to determine what model, size, brand, etc. equipment is best for you and your pool. In this post we go over the three types of filters and how to determine what size filter your pool needs.
How To Add D.E. Powder To Your PoolIf you own a D.E. Filter or are planning on investing in one as the water filtration system for your swimming pool you will at some point or another need to add D.E. powder to your pool. This blog post provides a brief overview of what D.E powder is and how it works and a detailed step by step guide for safely adding D.E. powder to your pool.
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ABOUT THE STORE Pool Supply Unlimited is an e-commerce company that loves water. We love to pump it, filter it, heat it, chlorinate it, light it up and stare at it while we're barbequing a fat, juicy steak. There are real pool professionals working here. Our guys have seen thousands of pools in their careers, no exaggeration. We are based in San Antonio, TX and can land most products to your door (within the 48 contiguous states) in less than a week.