EZSpaPRO is a proprietary water care program that combines simplicity with incredible water quality. Formulated for use in any spa/hot tub and will help manage water quality while eliminating the challenges associated with heavy bather load.
EZSpaPROⓇ contains a stable oxidizer, defoamer, clarifier, scale inhibitor, water conditioner and balancers (pH, TotalAlkalinity, and Calcium Hardness) to keep spa water clean, clear and trouble free. EZSpaPROⓇ does not require additional cyanuric acid.
- No waiting to swim
- Convenient and easy to use
- Superior water quality with less chemicals and testing
- Formulated for use with chlorine, bromine, salt, ozone and mineral purifiers
- Substantially reduces chloramines
- Stable oxidizer immediately breaks down water born econtaminants to increase sanitizer effectiveness- resulting in clean, clear, oxygen enriched water