Home Manufacturers SAVI Pool and Spa Lights

SAVI Pool and Spa Lights

SAVI Pool and Spa, a division of Zodiac Pool Systems, is the number one underwater lighting company in the industry. SAVI LED underwater lights and lighted water features represent some of the most innovative products available today. The SAVI Melody is the original nicheless underwater RGBW color LED light that requires no grounding or bonding, only a 4” minimum depth, and it now accepts the new Designer Series Lenses and replaceable, upgradable, interchangeable and field serviceable LED Cartridges. There is a SAVI light for your pool, spa, step, sun shelf or fountain no matter what your needs.
SAVI Pool and Spa
2882 Whiptail Loop # 100
Carlsbad, CA 92010
Phone: (800) 822-7933
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Zodiac Pool Systems LLC, a Fluidra company, warrants all Zodiac® brand products (including those branded as Jandy®, Polaris®, Baracuda®, SAVI®, Nature2®, or Blueriiot) to be free from manufacturing defects in materials and workmanship for a period of one (1) year from the date of retail purchase, with the following exceptions:
  • Complete electronic salt water chlorine systems (controller and cell purchased and installed together), including Nature2® Fusion Soft, are warranted for three (3) years, with the exception of the AquaPure® Ei™ Series, which is warranted for one (1) year (see below for warranty on replacement parts).
  • The G3™ model and Kontiki cleaners are warranted for ninety (90) days.
  • Jandy® variable speed pumps are warranted for three (3) years.
  • JXi™ heaters are warranted for one (1) year. Heat Exchangers on JXi Gas Heaters with factory-installed VersaFlo™ Integrated Bypass are warranted for five (5) years.
  • Jandy® heat pumps are warranted for two (2) years. Heat pump compressors and heat exchangers are warranted for five (5) years.
  • Jandy® nicheless underwater lights are warranted for three (3) years.
  • Those certain Never Lube® valves made from CPVC are warranted for the life of the pool on which they were originally installed. For the avoidance of any doubt, any Never Lube valve made from PVC is only warranted to be free from manufacturing defects in materials and workmanship for a period of one (1) year from the date of retail purchase.
  • All Jandy® branded products used in a commercial application are warranted for a period of one (1) year from the date of retail purchase, unless a lesser amount of time is stated above in exceptions 1 through 9. A commercial application is defined as any application other than a single-family dwelling.
  • Polaris®robotic cleaners are warranted for two (2) years.
  • Frames for Polaris®in-ground pressure-side cleaners are warranted for five (5) years.
  • Pool cleaner wear-and-tear items including, but not limited to, tires (including track tires), surface disks, shoes, and foot pads, are not warranted.
  • Complete electronic salt water chlorine systems (controller and cell purchased and installed together) are warranted for three (3) years.
  • Maintenance tools are warranted for ninety (90) days.
  • Refrigerant and other expendables are not warranted. 
  • Replacement products, or parts, provided at no charge are warranted only until the original finished good’s warranty has expired. Purchased replacement parts are warranted for ninety (90) days from the date of retail purchase, with the exception of electronic salt water chlorine generator cells and electrodes, and “Factory Rebuild Kits” for Polaris® pressure cleaners, which are warranted for one (1) year.
The Jandy® limited warranty does not apply to Jandy® branded products purchased through the Internet or other e-commerce platforms, with the exception of Jandy® valves less than three (3) inches in diameter, parts, and pool product accessories.
For warranty information specific to Nature2® products, other than Nature2® Fusion Soft, please see the owner’s and installation manuals for those products.
Unless otherwise indicated in the relevant product manual or quick start guide, this warranty applies only to products installed and serviced by a contractor who is licensed and qualified in pool equipment by the jurisdiction in which the product will be installed, where such state or local requirements exists. In the event no such state or local requirement exists, the installer and maintainer must be a professional with sufficient experience in pool equipment installation and maintenance. This warranty applies only to products purchased and utilized in the 50 United States and Canada, is limited to the first retail purchaser, is not transferable, and does not apply to products that have been moved from their original installation sites. The liability of Fluidra shall not exceed the replacement of the defective product or its parts, and does not include transportation costs, costs for labor to service or repair the defective product, or any items or materials required to make the repair including, but not limited to, refrigerant and other expendables. Fluidra is not responsible for charges or delays incurred when a servicer is unable to perform service due to lock outs, animals, intolerable pool or spa water temperature when entry into pool or spa is required to perform service, service refusals, etc. No reimbursements will be made for loss and/or usage of water, fuel or other resources resulting from product defect. A third party service provider may charge the end-user customer for parts and/or labor required to resolve any issue not covered under warranty, such as improper installation. Fluidra is not responsible for these charges. Product discoloration, or any other cosmetic or superficial damage or deterioration, regardless of its cause, is not covered by this warranty. This warranty does not cover failures, defects, malfunctions or complaints resulting from any of the following:
  • Failure to properly install, operate or maintain the product in accordance with Fluidra’s published installation, operation and/or maintenance manuals.
  • The workmanship of any installer of the product.
  • Use of non-factory authorized parts or accessories in conjunction with the product(s).
  • Product modifications or adjustments that are not in accordance with Fluidra’s published installation, operation and/or maintenance manuals.
  • Not maintaining proper pool and/or spa chemical balance [pH levels between 7.2 and 7.8, with ideal range being between 7.4 and 7.6; Cyanuric Acid (CYA) between 30 to 100 ppm; Total Alkalinity (TA) between 80 to 120 ppm (100 to 150 ppm for vinyl pools); Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) less than 1500 ppm, not including salt ppm; and Total (or Calcium) Hardness less than 800 ppm, with an ideal range being between 200 ppm and 400ppm].
  • Corrosion, erosion, scaling, calcification or other conditions caused by water hardness, chemical imbalance, or lack of product maintenance.
  • Chemical contamination of combustion air; or improper use of pool/spa chemicals, such as introducing chemicals upstream of the heater or cleaner hose, or through the skimmer; or use of copper-based algaecides in conjunction with Nature2®products.
  • Abuse, damage during transit or installation, mis-handling, tampering, vandalism, alterations, accidents, fires, floods, storms, earthquakes, power surges, lightning, pets or other animals, insects and/or their hives or nests, negligence, or acts of God.
  • Not grounding and/or bonding as specified, mis-wiring, loose wiring, cut or kinked wires, loose cable connections, incorrect wire runs, incorrect breaker size, breaker(s) in “off” position, improper wire gauge, moisture in electrical conduit, improper electrical supply, dead batteries, incorrect plumbing, inadequate size of pipe and/or fittings, cross-threading, over-tightening, under-tightening, glue drips or residue, improperly secured covers, improper valve placement or usage, unsynchronized valve actuators, valve actuators in “off” position, improper gas pipe sizing, lack of fuel, inadequate heater vent pipe sizing, programming errors, or removal of in-line filter screens from pool cleaners.
  • Freezing, corrosion, cracking, overheating, warping, flooding, moisture intrusion or any other condition caused by or related to weather, climate, improper winterization, improper equipment placement,in adequate ventilation,in adequate water circulation, roof run-off, sprinklers, irrigation systems, or lights or other products on or near the pool/spa or pool/spa equipment pad.
  • Operating the product at water flow rates below minimum, or above maximum, specifications. Operating any product or piece of equipment including, but not limited to, pumps, with insufficient quantities of water.
  • Improper equipment sizing, or product mis-applications including,but not limited to, unsuitable application of a pool cleaner, or use of residential products on commercial applications.
  • Dirty, clogged, blocked, covered or obstructed plumbing, cleaner parts, chlorine generator cells or sensors, pump strainer baskets, pump impellers, heater orifices (including blockage by spider webs), heater grills, doors, flue boxes, flue vents or flue collectors, filter elements, or filter breather tubes.
  • Collateral damage caused by failure of any component including O-rings, pump strainer baskets, DE grids, sand filter laterals, or cartridge elements.
This is the only warranty given by Fluidra. No one is authorized to make any other warranties on behalf of Fluidra. THE DURATION OF IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING THE IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY AND THE IMPLIED WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, ARE LIMITED TO THE DURATION OF THE EXPRESS WARRANTIES LISTED ABOVE. Some states and/or provinces do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, so the above limitation may not apply to you. Fluidra expressly disclaims and excludes any liability for consequential, incidental, indirect, or punitive damages for breach of any expressed or implied warranty. In no event shall Fluidra be liable for incidental or consequential damages of any nature, including damage to vinyl liners, plaster, aggregate-based pool surfaces, tile, stone, coping, fixtures, skimmers or skimmer covers, plumbing, drains, equipment covers or shelters, landscaping, animals, plants, or dwellings. Some states and/or provinces do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation may not apply to you. Certain vinyl liner patterns are particularly susceptible to rapid surface wear or pattern removal caused by objects coming into contact with the vinyl surface, including pool brushes, pool toys, floats, fountains, chlorine dispensers, and automatic pool cleaners.Some vinyl liner patterns can be seriously scratched or abraded by rubbing the surface with a pool brush. Ink from the pattern can also rub off during the installation process or when it comes into contact with objects in the pool. Fluidra is not responsible for, and this warranty does not cover, pattern removal, cuts, abrasions or markings on vinyl liners.
Visit www.fluidrausa.com to submit your product warranty registration.
This information was updated on 9/25/2020. For the most current information and full warranty policy please visit www.fluidrausa.com.

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Pool Supply Unlimited is an e-commerce company that loves water. We love to pump it, filter it, heat it, chlorinate it, light it up and stare at it while we're barbequing a fat, juicy steak. There are real pool professionals working here. Our guys have seen thousands of pools in their careers, no exaggeration. We are based in San Antonio, TX and can land most products to your door (within the 48 contiguous states) in less than a week.
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