In-Ground, Automatic 135° Seat Rotation Lift For Pools / Spas Built-In Benches or Seats
The Model IGAT-180/135 meets all of the 2010 Standards for Accessible Design, the new requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and provides easy and affordable access to in-ground pools and spas with built-in benches. It is user-operable, and its seat height is easily adjustable to accommodate various wheelchair heights. The 135 degree clockwise turn allows the greatest access from the deck for the user and any assistants. Side-to-side transfers are easy, the footrest flips up and the mounting arm is under the seat. This allows for unobstructed transfer. The seat rotates forward when entering the pool, and backward when exiting the water. The standard seat has a right arm only, but a flip-up outer arm is available. All components required for installation and operation are included in the price and ship with the lift, although many additional options are available. Just let us know your needs when ordering. Refer to the
Aquatic Access Dimensional Worksheet to determine what information they need to build this unit. Please download this form, fill the information required for your installation, and return with your order.
- Meets the 2010 Standards for accessible design
- Automatic 135 deg clockwise seat turn
- Lifts 400 lbs at 55-65 psi, depending on weight of accessories chosen
- Portable lifts out and rolls away with no tools
- Height of the lift in raised position varies up to 7 ft 1 Inch
- Allows the user's feet on the footrest to avoid built-in benches and descends into the deeper center of the pool/spa
The IGAT-180/135 is compact, lightweight, easy to remove, transport, and replace with no readjustments or tools required. Design allows the footrest to miss built-in benches and descend deeper past bench. Rubber pad under seat protects bench.
Static pressure (measured at faucet or hose with no water flowing) is affected by variables in the material, length, diameter and rigidity of the water lines and hoses from the street to the lift, and by how many other faucets are open at the same time. Operating pressure requirement (measured while lifting) is not affected by these variables.
Opposite facing (opposite turn) and heavy-duty units available (custom charges may apply)