Post this sign to list Pool Rules. Implement safety and regulations posting this sign by your pool.
All pool owners, residential and commercial, have rules that they expect their patrons to abide by. No running”, no diving”, and swim at your own risk” are all normal pool rules. Whether you want a safety sign of the rules or a touch of humor, you can find the right sign to fit your pool area.Signs with llustrated pictures of safety techniques and phone numbers that are perfect for emergencies. There are even signs that humorously outline rules for skinny dipping! Have some fun with pool signs, but also keep in mind safety procedures.
Swimming pool safety signs should be large enough to be read from all areas of the pool. If the pool has many areas, signs will need to be posted in each area, including the adult pool, a whirlpool area and the children's wading pool. Swimming pool safety signs should be posted in a location that will be seen by every person entering the pool area. In a backyard home pool setting, many signs are posted on gates leading to the backyard, warning there is a pool in the yard. This provides a warning to people visiting with small children, so they don't accidentally wander ahead and fall into the pool. At a public pool, warning signs may be posted on the pool house, on the fence surrounding the pool, near a clock for high visibility and even in the changing and shower room areas.