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Home Pool Chemicals - OLD Balancers Nava Label pH Decreaser | 6lb Plastic Pail | 652023183

Nava Label pH Decreaser | 6lb Plastic Pail | 652023183

This item has been discontinued.
Nava Label pH Decreaser | 6lb Plastic Pail | 652023183
PH is most important for maintaining crystal clear swimming pool water. High pH will cause eye and skin irritation, waterline tile scale deposits and unhappy pool ownership. Low pH will cause the same eye and skin irritation and, in addition, etch the swimming pool plaster, fiberglass, vinyl liner, causing an angry and unhappy pool owner. Pool Supply Unlimited has the experience of servicing thousands of swimming pools and we pass our information on to you, our most valuable asset.

PH Decraser, otherwise known as dry acid, will lower your pH to levels most efficient for crystal clear water.

At Pool Supply Unlimited we have seen the damage that unbalanced water can cause when in contact with concrete, grouting and metals like copper and steel. Water can either corrode such surfaces or deposit a white film or crusty, coarse substance called scale. The two types of unbalanced water conditions are corrosive and scaling.

Corrosive water is "aggressive" and attempts to dissolve concrete and metals, pitting concrete and destroying steel filters and copper heat exchangers. A tell-tale sign of corrosive water is staining, which is the deposit on the pool's surface of colored metal salts of iron (brown) or copper (blue/green/grey/black). Scaling water does the opposite. It attempts to deposit or precipitate calcium carbonate out of solution, causing a white film or rough, unsightly deposits on pool surfaces, and possibly plugging the filter and circulation piping.

Pool Supply Unlimited can help keep your pool water in balance to avoid unnecessary and costly repairs. This is accomplished by controlling the parameters that determine water balance. The factors are pH, calcium hardness, total alkalinity, temperature and total dissolved solids (TDS). The main focus should be on pH, calcium hardness and total alkalinity.

pH is a scale of measurement that was invented in the early 1900s for checking the acidity of water when brewing beer. pH is measured on a scale from 0-14 and can be tested by a number of test kits available from Pool Supply Unlimited. pH is neutral at a measurement of 7.0. Below 7.0, the water is acidic and above the water is alkaline (basic). The recommended pH for pools is 7.5 which matches the pH of the human eye.

Low pH Pool Problems
Corrosive Water
pitting of concrete
metals dissolve
surface staining
chlorine loss
vinyl wrinkles
skin/eye irritation

High pH Pool Problems
Scaling Water
white film/crusty deposits
plugged filters
reduced circulation
cloudy pool
chlorine inefficiency
skin/eye irritation
Low pH Solution=ph Increaser 


Nava Label pH Decreaser | 6lb Plastic Pail | 652023183

This item has been discontinued.
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Pool Supply Unlimited is an e-commerce company that loves water. We love to pump it, filter it, heat it, chlorinate it, light it up and stare at it while we're barbequing a fat, juicy steak. There are real pool professionals working here. Our guys have seen thousands of pools in their careers, no exaggeration. We are based in San Antonio, TX and can land most products to your door (within the 48 contiguous states) in less than a week.
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