Taylor Complete High DPD Professional Test Kit with Salt
Testing with a Complete kit will answer how much sanitizer to add, when and how much to shock treat, and what adjustments are needed to prevent corrosion and scaling conditions.
Complete-high (uses DPD):
- Chlorine 1–10 ppm
- Bromine 2–20 ppm
- pH 7.0–8.0
- Acid & base demand
- Total alkalinity
- Calcium hardness
- Cyanuric acid
- .75 oz. bottles
- Same tests as K-2006, plus a test for sodium chloride
Metod Chemistry: Blended Indicator, DPD, Argentometric, DPD, Turbidimetric, EDTA Titration, Phenol Red
Range: 10 ppm (Alkalinity), 2-20 ppm (Bromine), 200 ppm (Sodium Chloride), 1-10 ppm (Chlorine), 30-100 ppm (Cyanuric Acid), 10 ppm (Hardness), 7-8 (pH)
Testing Parameter: Total Alkalinity, Total Bromine, Chloride (Sodium Chloride), Free and Total Chlorine, Cyanuric Acid, Calcium Hardness, pH with Acid/Base Demand